Monday, October 3, 2022

Vegan Hobo Pack with Potatoes, Onions, and Field Roast Sausage

Hobo packs can be easy meals for the oven or the grill. Just find some left-over items and cook them in a foil pouch with a splash of oil and your favorite spices.

I had some old potatoes and part of a white onion. I threw in a chopped Field Roast Spicy Mexican Chipotle sausage. I sealed it up in a tightly folded foil pouch and baked it.

Vegan Hobo Pack with Potatoes, Onions, and Field Roast Sausage

This works well for camping trips. These can be prepared before leaving home. Let's take a moment to remember that many people are currently living without homes. They may have jobs and look clean, but they sleep in their cars, campers, tents, etc.