Saturday, December 29, 2018

Home-made Vegan Mushroom Gravy

Back in my omnivore days, I always loved gravy on mashed potatoes or biscuits. But as you may know by now, I only eat plant-based foods. Gravy is traditionally made with meat juices, milk, and butter. I will share with you how I make gravy using only the vegan ingredients in the photo below, plus water.

Keep in mind, I will not give you a recipe. I don't write recipes. I'm not a chef. I just cook, mix, and taste until it's right. This is probably the most complicated food item I will include on this blog. I prefer to keep things simple. I just wanted to share this with you because it is really good!

To make my vegan gravy, I used the following ingredients:
  • Mushrooms (dried or fresh, several kinds mixed together works best)
  • Onion (white or yellow)
  • Marmite
  • Miso Paste (the darker miso pastes are better than what's in the photo)
  • Earth Balance butter alternative (olive oil also works well)
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Water
  • All Purpose Flour (optional)
  1. Make a chunky broth by boiling the mushrooms and onion in water. Cook until its mushy. For smoother gravy, cook it longer.
  2. Using a food processor or blender, make the broth as smooth as desired. I don't mind chunks.
  3. Add Marmite, Miso Paste, Black Pepper, Salt, and Earth Balance in small increments, tasting often to get an idea of what more is needed to perfect the flavor
  4. Sprinkle in tiny pinches of flour to thicken it if needed. It doesn't take much. Just a few pinches. Stir it up. Don't let the flour turn into lumps.

That's it! Here's my gravy with a home-made vegan rosemary biscuit. This time it was a bit chunky. It can be smoother with longer cooking time and more blending. This was very good!

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